


並且順便嗆了幾個討厭的人= =


[announcer]   旁白:
Meet Eddie, twenty-three years old.  愛迪     23歲
Fed up with life and the way things are going,   受夠了狗屁不如的日子
he decides to rob a liquor store.   決定搶劫一家酒店
But on his way in, he has a sudden change of heart.    但就在動手的前一刻,他的意志動搖了
And suddenly, his conscience comes into play...    突然,他的良心出現了!

[Dr. Dre] 德瑞博士:良心勸導
Alright, stop! (Huh?)   夠了,給我停下!  (啥?)
Now before you walk in the door of this liquor store  在你走進那扇門
and try to get money out the drawer   並且肖想偷走櫃檯的大鈔之前
You better think of the consequence 你最好先思考一下後果
(But who are you?)    (你是哪根蔥啊!)
I'm your motherfuckin conscience   我是你去他娘的良心啦!

[Eminem] 阿姆:邪惡勸導
That's nonsense!   真是狗屁不通!
Go in and gaffle the money  直接進去,把錢給幹走
and run to one of your aunt's cribs   然後躲進你阿姨家的衣櫥裡!
And borrow a damn dress,   借穿上她的睡袍
and one of her blonde wigs   並戴上她的金色假髮
Tell her you need a place to stay   告訴她你在跑路不就沒事了!?
You'll be safe for days if you shave your legs with an aged razor blade  

[Dr. Dre] 德瑞博士:良心勸導
Yeah but if it all goes through like it's supposed to  嗯哼,你以為事情這麼好搞?
The whole neighborhood knows you   所有鄰居都認識你
and they'll expose you  他們會告發你!
Think about it before you walk in the door first  仔細思考!在你闖入店裡之前
Look at the store clerk, she's older than George Burns  瞧瞧那掌櫃,她又老又可憐呀!

[Eminem] 阿姆:邪惡勸導
Fuck that! Do that shit! Shoot that bitch!  靠!別鳥她!開槍爆了那賤貨的頭!
Can you afford to blow this shit? 你想停手嗎?
Are you that rich?  你以為你還剩多少錢?
Why you give a fuck if she dies? 你何必管她娘的死活?
Are you that bitch?  你是那賤貨嗎?
Do you really think she gives a fuck if you have kids?  

[Dr. Dre] 德瑞博士:良心勸導
Man, don't do it, it's not worth it to risk it!  小子,別動手!她沒有讓你冒險的價值
(You're right!)   (你說的對!)
Not over this shit (Stop!) Drop the biscuit  別管這個鳥了(停手吧!) 把錢丟掉!
(I will!)  (我會丟的!)
Don't even listen to Slim yo, he's bad for you  別聽阿姆那痞子講話,他是個廢渣
(You know what Dre? I don't like your attitude..)  

[announcer] 旁白
Meet Stan, twenty-one years old.   屎蛋  21歲
After meeting a young girl at a rave party,   在搖頭舞會上認識了個正妹
things start getting hot and heavy in an upstairs bedroom. 在樓上的床邊,眼看要一觸即發了
Once again, his conscience comes into play...   又一次,他的良心來搶戲了!

Now listen to me, while you're kissin her cheek  (阿姆) 聽我說,等下要吻她的時候
and smearin her lipstick, I slipped this in her drink  舔掉她的口紅,把迷藥到進水裡!
Now all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitch's earlobe..  現在要做的就是挑逗這隻騷貨!
(Yo! This girl's only fifteen years old  (德瑞博士) 喂!那女孩才15歲耶!
You shouldn't take advantage of her, that's not fair)  你不能吃她豆腐!這樣不好吧!
Yo, look at her bush.. does it got hair?   (阿姆)  嘿,看看她那裡......她長毛了嗎?
Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bare   快,在這裡上了這個騷貨!
Til she passes out and she forgot how she got there   反正她醒了後,屁都不會記得啦!
(Man, ain't you ever seen that one movie"Kids"?)  (德瑞博士) 小子,你有看過一部電影"童貞"嗎?
No, but I seen the porno with SunDoobiest!  (阿姆) 沒有,不過我倒是常看情色影集!
(Shit, you wanna get hauled off to jail?)  (德瑞博士) 他媽的|||= =,你這麼想被關嗎?
Man fuck that, hit that shit raw dawg and bail.. (阿姆)  去你娘的,反正還可以保釋出來!

[announcer]  旁白
Meet Grady, a twenty-nine year old construction worker. 葛雷迪  29歲  建築工人
After coming home from a hard day's work,  辛苦一整天後回到家
he walks in the door of his trailer park home  他回到拖車屋中,打開門.....
to find his wife in bed with another man.  卻看見老婆跟一個男人躺在床上!
(Ah...ah....ah)      (淫叫聲)
("WHAT THE FUCK?!?!")          (幹你娘!你們在床上幹三小!!)
("Grady!!")        (葛雷迪!!)

[Dr. Dre]  德瑞博士
Alright calm down, relax, start breathin.. 

[Eminem] 阿姆
Fuck that shit, you just caught this bitch cheatin  冷靜個鳥,這賤夫淫婦剛剛才被你抓包
While you at work she's with some dude tryin to get off?!  她趁你辛苦工作時跟別人上床!
FUCK slittin her throat, CUT THIS BITCH'S HEAD OFF!!!  

[Dr. Dre]  德瑞博士
Wait! What if there's an explanation for this shit?  等等!或許她有不得已的苦衷?
(What? She tripped? Fell? Landed on his dick?!)   (阿姆) 苦三小!她摔倒了,跌在那男的懶趴上?
Alright Shady,  (德瑞) 唉||| 好吧,阿姆你等一下
maybe he's right Grady  有可能阿姆是對的,葛雷迪
But think about the baby before you get all crazy  但在你發飆前,想想妳們的小孩吧

[Eminem]  阿姆
Okay! Thought about it, still wanna stab her?  好啦!我想過囉,但是仍然想做掉那賤女人
Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her? 掐斷她的喉嚨,挾持你跟她的女兒!
That's what I did, be smart, don't be a retard  那就是我想幹的!聰明點,別像個呆鳥!
You gonna take advice from somebody who slapped DEE BARNES??!

[Dr. Dre] 德瑞
What'chu say?  幹!你說我是啥?
(What's wrong? Didn't think I'd remember?)  (阿姆) 不爽嗎?你以為我跟你一樣呆嗎?
I'ma kill you motherfucker!  (德瑞) 媽的!我要殺了你這狗娘養的爛人!

[Eminem] 阿姆
Uhhh-aahh! Temper temper!  啊哈!冷靜點、冷靜點!
Mr. Dre? Mr. N.W.A.?   德瑞先生?NWA先生?
Mr. AK    AK先生?
comin' straight outta Compton y'all better make way?  你們最好給我閉嘴,靠邊站好!
How in the fuck you gonna tell this man not to be violent?

[Dr. Dre]  德瑞
Cause he don't need to go the same route that I went  我只是...只是不想讓葛雷迪重蹈覆轍啊...
Been there, done that.. aw fuck it...那些我都經歷過啊...靠北!我正在說三小呀!?
What am I sayin? Shoot em both Grady, where's your gun at? 

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